Danielmrey banner website redesign responsive seo performance

Website Redesign

I can redesign completely your website keeping its current contents (text, images, etc…) making it better for Google, faster, better for all devices and easier to use.

  • Contents: I will keep the current contents of your website, that is, text, images, videos, posts, etc…
  • Structure: I will change completely its structure using current technologies and trends
  • Design: I will change its design but I will keep the same Logo and colour scheme
  • Functionality: I will investigate which functionalities you have currently and I will advise and recommend new ways of achieving the same functions

Services Included

  • Website Optimisation: This Website Redesign service also includes this service: Website Optimisation
  • Website Maintenance: This Website Redesign service also includes this service: Website Maintenance
  • Website Connections: I will check if your website is connected to social media platforms, to all the Google free services and directly to clients: Website Connections
  • Your needs: If you have in mind some identified needs, I would be happy to discuss them with you and add them to this set of services

More information


Please fill this form and I will contact you with an estimate price for redesigning your website:

    What are your concerns with your current website? What do you want to achieve with your current website?

    Please let me know the URL link of your website, e.g. www.mywebsite.com

    After sending your Website Redesign Enquiry form, you can see the Website Creation Process »

    Contact me about: Website Redesign, by:

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