Website health check up, very beneficial for your website. I will fully service the admin area of your website for backups, updates and security among other issues.
- Backup: I will update or install a plugin to make Backups. Then I will do a general backup of the data base, the text in all pages and of all the images on your website. Then I will store the backup in your hosting
- Updates: I will update all your plugins, themes, translations and WordPress core, this is good for solving bugs and for security purposes
- Security: I will check your site health in general and will attend any critical issues and recommended improvements like if the version of the PHP language is correct for future updates
- Database: I will clean and optimise the website database
- Expiration: I will check if your domain and hosting products are going to expire soon
- Links: I will check that your website does not have broken links to error pages
- Plugins: I will check all your plugins and will propose the deactivation of plugins that are not being used or are damaging your website performance speed
- Blocks: I will check that the new Gutenberg blocks are not interfering with your admin area by adding plugins for the Editor and for the Widgets
- Comments: If you have an active Blog I will check which comments need attending and if you need a plugin to avoid spam
- Forms: I will check that the contact forms work correctly
- Theme: I will check if your current theme needs a theme upgrade to a more modern version and if this affects Parent/Child theme dependencies
Services Included
- Website Optimisation: This Website Maintenance service also includes this service: Website Optimisation
- Website Connections: I will connect your website to social media platforms, to all the Google free services and directly to clients: Website Connections
- Your needs: If you have in mind some identified needs, I would be happy to discuss them with you and add them to this set of services
More Information
- See the complete website optimisation process
- See my optimised websites, reviews of my clients and my approach and the way I work
Contact me about: Website Maintenance, by:
WhatsApp Email